Thursday, April 4, 2013

Waiting for visitors

We just got back from a mini-beach vacation. Tensions have been running high lately and we needed a little change of scene. It was perfect. One day was in the 70s, so we played on the beach. The other two days we were all about the indoor pool at the hotel. I really see a difference in Super D’s behaviors when he engages in sensory activities – water, play-dough, sand, etc. Looking forward to LOTS of beach time this spring. His swim lessons started this week, so I’m thinking that will be helpful as well.

Tomorrow the two girls who were our last placement are coming to visit. They left us 5 months ago, and live out of state with their relatives. They’ll be in town for their permanency hearing and this is the first time we’ve seen them or talked to them (the girls, I talk to their relative every month or two). I offered to watch them during court and their sweet family accepted. They decided to bring them to our house instead of me watching them at the hotel. I’m okay with this, but nervous. I’m worried the 2 ½-year-old, N, will have increased behavior problems after coming here. I have no idea how the 1 ½-year-old, A, will react. I am afraid they won’t remember us and sad that, if they do, they’ll think we abandoned them. I’m nervous, excited, sad, happy. SO MANY EMOTIONS!

I’m putting SuperD in daycare because it was hard for him when the girls left and I don’t want to re-traumatize him. I’ll have Monkey with me, which I think might make the girls jealous. Today I need to clean like a crazy person! My floors are not clean enough for two toddlers nor is my house toddler-proofed anymore.

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