Saturday, May 18, 2013

My brother is in town for a few days, helping me with the kids while hubby is on a much-deserved mini-vacation with his dad. As usual, things have been chaotic and busy and fun around here.

Because I am a terrible planner, yesterday was more on the chaotic side than the fun side. My cell phone broke. I wasn’t surprised, as every.single.time. hubby leaves town, something breaks. Usually it’s the car, or the fridge, or the toilet. But my cell breaking is a significant enough hassle that it totally counts. We took it to a cell phone repair place that didn’t have my part, so we drove 40 min. away to another one. They informed me it would take two hours to fix. I thought we were going to be gone for an hour, max, and we were looking at 3-4 hours away from the house at that point. With no snacks, no diaper bag, no bottle. Awesome.

We ended up having an impromptu picnic at a city carnival then hung at Barnes and Noble for a while. I had to pop into a store and buy a bottle and some pre-mixed formula for a cranky Monkey. On the drive home, baby girls was fussy. Usually if she fusses in the car, I kind of chant soothing words at her. It never stops the crying, but it makes me feel like I’m doing something. This time, when she started crying, SuperD turned to her (in his car seat) and softly said, “It’s okay, honey. Honey, honey, honey. It’s okay, honey” over and over and over. So sweet.

They couldn’t fix my phone yesterday, but they did get it fixed, so we have to trek back over today.  Sigh

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